Free your mind
Welcome to Free Your Mind, a section for older teens and young adults.
A resource for everyone to enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing.
In a world where life can be fast and demanding, here are some simple tools to help you develop your own strengths and potential.
Teenage years are fun, but they can be stressful:
“I wonder what people think of me?”
“What if I don’t get the grades?”
“What state will the planet be in ten years' time’’?
Everyone has ups and downs that can feel overwhelming at times: Anger, jealousy, fear, worries and depression have many causes, some we can change and some we can’t. What if we could recognise feelings of anxiety or depression early on, and try some simple techniques to help us cope, or even overcome these difficulties?
How are you feeling today? Feeling good? Or maybe a bit stressed? Choose a meditation to balance your mood.
Here are some meditations you can try, see how you get along with them: