eMpowering people to be the best version of themselves through meditation
Meditation for all
eMpower is an online resource and non-profit organisation, established to help school children, teenagers and adults improve their wellbeing, mental health, concentration levels and self-esteem through meditation. We believe that wellbeing is the birthright of every person, regardless of background or life circumstances.
The eMpower team consists of Health Professionals, Teachers, Educators, Artists, Writers and Musicians. We have carefully developed materials according to age, developmental stage and need. They are rich, fun and accessible for everyone to enjoy.
My silent space (4 - 7 years)
Welcome to My Silent Space: meditations for small children
Fun and effective children’s meditations:
Suitable for a very young audience. Teaching the value of silence and meditation from an early age in a joyful and meaningful way.
Enabling young children to learn how to be at peace with themselves
Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing for young children.
Join our community eMpowering our young.
Generation peace (8 - 14 years)
Welcome to Generation Peace, a section for older children and young teens.
In a world where everyone is telling you who you should be or what you should want, meditation gives you the inner strength to know who you really are.
Social media dictates that you should look, act and think a certain way, “become a celebrity, an influencer, a model or a millionaire”. In modern life it can be hard to know who we really are. Meditation is perhaps the oldest known technique for looking within yourself to find who you are.
What do you enjoy doing? Look inside to know the power of your inner self. Meditate to unlock your natural talents and feel good about yourself.
Free your mind (15 - 18 years)
Welcome to Free Your Mind, a section for older teens and young adults.
A resource for everyone to enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing.
In a world where life can be fast and demanding, here are some simple tools to help you develop your own strengths and potential.
Teenage years are fun, but they can be stressful:
“I wonder what people think of me?”
“What if I don’t get the grades?”
“What state will the planet be in ten years' time’’?
Everyone has ups and downs that can feel overwhelming at times: Anger, jealousy, fear, worries and depression have many causes, some we can change and some we can’t. What if we could recognise feelings of anxiety or depression early on, and try some simple techniques to help us cope, or even overcome these difficulties?
How are you feeling today? Feeling good? Or maybe a bit stressed? Choose a meditation to balance your mood.
eMpower meditations (18 and up)
Connect to your inner strength through silence
This section provides content for all adults. Here we aim to provide you with guided meditations to support your mental and emotional wellbeing in everyday life. Modern life is very demanding and can be stressful. Meditation helps us develop balance and perspective and gives us the tools to help with life’s challenges.
It helps us to develop our personal strengths and qualities and become the best version of who can be. Ultimately it can give us complete freedom from worry and mental processes, leaving us with a deep sense of inner peace and joy.
An established body of evidence links stress with poor health and behavioural outcomes. eMpower offers very simple meditation techniques that harness inner strength and potential, enabling the body's natural ability to heal, balance itself and build resilience to stress.
When we meditate and the mind is still, we activate the autonomic nervous system. It allows us to experience the following benefits:
Inner balance
Self-esteem and confidence
Focus and Self control
Respect for oneself and others
Peace and satisfaction
Mental Silence and joy
The eMpower team consists of Health Professionals, Teachers, Educators, Artists, Writers and Musicians. We have carefully developed materials according to age, developmental stage and need. They are rich, fun and accessible for everyone to enjoy.
We hope you enjoy the eMpower experience.
Teachers Connect
We know teaching is a pressured and demanding job. On this page we hope to provide you with resources so you can recharge yourself.
A section full of resources and activities to help you in and out of the classroom.
Music for meditation
Music has a deep effect on our central nervous system and can help us to relax, stop our thoughts and find peace within ourselves.
Click here to find a variety of music you can use when meditating
“Meditation has improved every aspect of my life. It’s an axis I can always return to”
— Adam Morgan, Clinical Psychologist